
[The Big Collection of Love ASCII Art]
[ASCII Wedding Art]

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[Previous] Group 1 - Group 2

                               mMm  _[_]_
                              /(_)\  (_)
                           / /-~`~-\ |||
                      jgs  `/       \|||

                                mMm  _[_]_
                               /(")\  (")
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                      jgs   `/       \|||

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                               mMm  _[_]_
                              /(_)\  (_)
                           / /-~`~-\ |||
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                      }                         {
                      }  J O A N   &   D A V E  {
                      }                         {
                      }        May 24th         {
                      }                         {
                }         _  _           _  _         {
                }        ( \/ )         ( \/ )        {
                }         \  /           \  /         {
                }          \/             \/          {
                }                                     {
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          }   (  /__)            (  )  /  /  )              {
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    }   /    (_) / (_(_/_/ (_(_/(_/_(_/_(/_(_/(_/_/_(_) / (_/_)_  {
    }  (___)         _/_                                          {
jgs }               (/                                            {

>> wedding cake w/risers between layers <<  10/96
>> bride and groom have eyes too ! <<

                                 mMm  _[_]_
                                /(")\  (")
                             / /-~`~-\ |||
                             `/       \|||
                       }                         {
                       }  J O A N   &   D A V E  {
                       }                         {
                       }        May 24th         {
                       }                         {
                 }         _  _           _  _         {
                 }        ( \/ )         ( \/ )        {
                 }         \  /           \  /         {
                 }          \/             \/          {
                 }                                     {
           }    _____              __       __               {
           }   (  /__)            (  )  /  /  )              {
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     }   /    (_) / (_(_/_/ (_(_/(_/_(_/_(/_(_/(_/_/_(_) / (_/_)_  {
     }  (___)         _/_                                          {
 jgs }               (/                                            {

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             {_____}     {~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~}     {_____}
           ____)_(____   {.  .  .  .  .  .  .}   ____)_(____
     jgs  {~@~ ~@~ ~@~} .{___________________}. {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}
          {. . . . . .}(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,){. . . . . .}
       @~ {___________}.)   CONGRATULATIONS!  (.{___________} ~@
         @~              ~@                 @~              ~@

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             {_____}     {~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~ ~@~}     {_____}
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          {~@~ ~@~ ~@~} .{___________________}. {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}
          {. . . . . .}(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,){. . . . . .}
       @~ {___________}.\     ~@       @~     /.{___________} ~@
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      |  .---------------.  .'           `.  .---------------.  |
      ||'  ___________    ||               ||    ___________  `||
      ||  {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}   ||congratulations||   {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}  ||
  jgs ||  {   JOAN    }   ||      &        ||   {    DAVE   }  ||
      ||   ~~~~)~(~~~~    ||  best wishes  ||    ~~~~)~(~~~~   ||
     /__\     /___\      /__\             /__\      /___\     /__\
        ~@    ~@          ~@  ~@       @~  @~       @~    @~
                   ~@                             @~

       /:""|  .****,
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 \/   C`    _)aa`@@@\  \
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      || |8|  /^^\ |     /
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  jgs  (_,__)) /_/YY `':':':':':':`

-=[ wedding cake w/bride and groom ]=-  7/97

                     /:""|                 .****,
             (\/)   |:`66|_                @@@@@\ `,
              \/    C`    _)               aa`@@@\  \
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     (\/)           :| |=:   {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}   |:|\\.:.:.::.
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          {~@~ ~@~ ~@~} .{___________________}. {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}
          {. . . . . .}(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,){. . . . . .}
       @~ {___________}.\     ~@       @~     /.{___________} ~@
     (...................) ~@ _.--"""--._ @~ (..................)
      |  .---------------.  .'           `.  .---------------.  |
      ||'  ___________    ||               ||    ___________  `||
      ||  {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}   ||congratulations||   {~@~ ~@~ ~@~}  ||
  jgs ||  {   STEVE   }   ||      &        ||   {   JENNY   }  ||
      ||   ~~~~)~(~~~~    ||  best wishes  ||    ~~~~)~(~~~~   ||
     /__\     /___\      /__\             /__\      /___\     /__\
        ~@    ~@       ~@  ~@ ~@       @~ @~  @~       @~    @~
                   ~@                             @~

-=[ wedding roses ]=-  7/97
                              //  \\-.
                               '-\\__//                  /\   _
           __                     '--'                   \\| /_/
      _   /  |       (\/)          /~\'=--.               `\/
     | \  \/_/        \/          {{{~}\   \(______,_____,__\__,____
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 -,-----,--.--,-----,---,\'-' {{~}}                 __/ |\ \
jgs      __/\_            '--=.\}/         (\/)    / /\  \_|
        /_/ |\\                             \/     |__/

-=[ rings ]=-  7/97

     //  \\-.
jgs   '-\\__//

~ diamonds/jewels ~
  /    :     |     :    \
  `.    .    :    .    .'
    `.   .   :   .   .'
      `.  .  :  .  .'
        `. . : . .'
    jgs   `..:..'  

      \`\  |  /`/
       `\\ | //'
   jgs   `\|/`

      /_/  \_\
      \ \__/ /
                  ////    :    |||    :    \\\\
                   \\`.    .   |||   .    .'//
                    \\\`.   .  |||  .   .'///
                     \\\\`.  . ||| .  .'////
                      \\\\\`. .|||. .'/////  Diamonds are a 
                       '\\\\\`.|||.'/////'    girl's best friend...
                 .::::::''              ''::::::.
                ::::::''                  ''::::::
               ::::::'                      ':::::: 
              ::::::'                        ':::::: 
             ::::::'                          '::::::
             ::::::                            ::::::
             ::::::                            ::::::
             ::::::                            ::::::
             ::::::.                          .::::::
              ::::::.                        .::::::
               ::::::.                      .::::::
                ::::::..                  ..::::::
                  '::::::..            ..::::::'
                         ''::::::::::::''   jgs

-=[ rings ]=-  6/97

     __|>:   :<|__
    (__|>:   :<|__)
       |>:   :<|
   jgs  \/'''\/

     __|>:   :<|__
    `--|>:   :<|--`
   jgs  \/'''\/

     __ /\../\ __
    (__|>:  :<|__)
   jgs  \/''\/


    ; /       \ ;
    | |       | |
    \ \       / /
 jgs '.`"---"`.'

-=[ tiny church ]=-  12/96
  jgs  _||"|_
[Previous] Group 1 - Group 2

The ASCII art on this site was created by a large number of artists, and credit has been given where the artist is known.
If you use artwork from here, please do not remove the artist's name/initials if they are present.

Website by Islander of Island Buttons.