Hearts <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (\/) (\/) (\/) horizontal smilies ('v') (^._.^) \(^-^)/ (^.^) (found on 1lineart.kulaone.com) upside down horizontal smilie (.^.) hug (>'.')><('.'< >----(^_^)----< (found on 1lineart.kulaone.com) flowers @}-,-`-- @}->-- ---------------------{{---<((@) (found on 1lineart.kulaone.com) @---------- @------------ @-------- --------------------------- one-line roses @}->-`-,--- *}->-`-,--- Sir Isle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Knight in Shining Armour swords (found on 1lineart.kulaone.com) ()==[:::::::::::::> @xxxx[{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> )xxxxx[;;;;;;;;;> 0)xxxxx[=======------------ |O/////[{:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;> (===||:::::::::::::::> @()xxx[{:::":::":::":::":::":::":::=> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sword, flowers, and hearts from howdytex.forumakers.com/t79-ascii-1-line-art-for-use-in-cbox (==||:::::::::::::::> @};--- @}}>----- @->-->--- >>-('v')-> >>-('v')-> NAME HERE >>-('v')-> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The ASCII art on this site was created by a large number of artists, and credit has been given where the artist is known.
If you use artwork from here, please do not remove the artist's name/initials if they are present.
Website by Islander of Island Buttons.