
[The Big Collection of Love ASCII Art]
[ASCII Smilies]

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>> Teddy Bear <<
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     "                       "     '"
              '"                                  "
            "              '
Well, here is my "cleaned up" version.
I do think the original was nice-- who did it?
I reworked the eyes & face, evened up the hearts & flowers,
and took the extra shading out.

-after                                  .m. .m.
      .m$m. .m$m.                     #$$$$$m$#
     m$$$$$v$$L"$m                     `#$$$#'
     $$$$$$$$$$ $$                       `#'
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          `#'                                     $$$$$$$$$ $$
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  `#$$$#'_....__."..                :                `./ /
    `#' /  __ .'...                 :                  ,/      .m. .m.
       l  /  ....           .-.     :     .-.           \      $$$$$m$
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   "                       "     '"
              '"                                  "
            "              '

-=[ teddy bears - 4 lines ]=-  1/97

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   jgs  ()_()   ()_()   ()_()   ()=()> writes:
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            (        (___      a.k.a. flump     ____)       )
            |      'o   \)                     (/   o`      |
            ;           /  Visit Flump's Ascii  \           ;
            |        ,_/      Collection:        \_,        |
           ((_       \) (/       _))
            ) `---.__/                             \__.---' (

-=[ snuggle bears ]=-  1/98
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        `""""``    ``"""`

-=[ bear with heart ]=-  1/98
         _           _
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-=[ teddy bear ]=-  12/98
                  _.-' )
                 (_ . '\ __
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        |         /_-/ |     | \-_\         |
  jgs  _;     ----/ |__/     \__| \----     ;_
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-=[ pilgrim bear ]=-  10/98
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-=[ Santa bear ]=-  10/98
                                .--'   )
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                    ."`-./_  _    _  _\.-'".
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    jgs  _;     ----/ |__/

[Previous] Group 1 - Group 2 - Group 3 - Group 4 - Group 5

The ASCII art on this site was created by a large number of artists, and credit has been given where the artist is known.
If you use artwork from here, please do not remove the artist's name/initials if they are present.

Website by Islander of Island Buttons.